Currently Managed Properties

Highlands Creek Village
452-478 Dillard Road
Highlands, NC 28741
20,733 Square Feet
Located 2 blocks off Main Street in Highlands, North Carolina. This retail center incorporates stone, steel, and glass to give it a lodge feeling, nestled in the mountains.
No space available for lease.
Property Manager: J. William Butler

Peachtree Hills Village
365 Peachtree Hills Ave, NE
Atlanta, GA 30305
11,440 Square Feet
2-story, multi-tenant, with retail services and light fair spaces. Conveniently located off Peachtree Hills Avenue, adjacent to the Lindbergh center transit stop.
Space available for lease.
Property Manager: Katherine Klein

Liberty Park Village
2500-2610 Old Milton Pkwy
Alpharetta, GA 30009
41,632 Square Feet
Alpharetta's newest retail and office center, adjacent to the Avalon, featuring over 14, 000 square feet of office space, mixed retail and restaurants.
No space available for lease.
Property Manager: Christopher Massey

Palisades at West Paces
3200 Downwood Circle, NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
227,452 Square Feet
7 story, class A office building with panoramic views of Metro Atlanta, located on Howell Mill, convenient to I-75. On- site concierge, conference center, and manned security. Multi- level parking deck on site with over 600 covered parking spaces.
Space available for lease.
Property Managers: Bill Butler & Gene Barber

Gainesville City View
114 & 118 Jesse Jewel Parkway
Gainesville, GA 30501
10,000 Square Feet
Brand new, mixed-use of retail, restaurants, located in the southern heart of Gainesville, GA. Walking distance to downtown across Jesse Jewel Parkway by way of the "bridge to somewhere".
Spaces available for lease.
Property Manager: Christopher Massey